Smart solutions for drinking water installation
The “De Bonte Wever” hotel in Assen, the Netherlands, has a total of 400 rooms that are built around an ice rink. What makes the hotel so interesting in terms of its technical installations are the many clever features used to keep the pace of installation as rapid as possible.
Gerbrig Arnold, project manager with Vos Energie Groep, describes how the heat management system makes use of heat pumps which heat the hotel in winter and keep it cool in summer. According to Frank Vos, the output of the energy concept developed by Vos Energie Groep was optimum. “We estimate that it achieves a more than 40 % energy saving compared with a conventional system.”
“By opting for the Smartloop Inliner from Viega for the hot water supply circulation the installation contractor could work faster inside the building because there is just one pipe system he needs to install. The system also makes a valuable contribution to the hotel’s energy efficiency because the circulation pipe makes optimum use of heat transfer”, explains Gerbrig Arnold.
No manual flushing
For the hotel manager, manual flushing is always a time-consuming operation. As well as accurately calculating room occupancy, the time spent on flushing pipes is a time-consuming chore. Hence the choice of Visign for Care flush plates with hygiene+ flushing function. The flush plates are fitted onto concealed cisterns of Viega Eco Plus WC elements as the last extraction points in serial lines. This configuration ensures that the drinking water system is automatically flushed with the calculated volume and at set intervals. The fact that the flush plate works with touchless operation delivers an added benefit in terms of personal hygiene.