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Indoor skiing faciity

In the indoor skiing facility in the Thuringian Forest in Oberhof, Germany, biathletes and Nordic skiing athletes can train all year round in the snow.

A close "connection" to the winner's podium

The fact that German biathletes and Nordic skiing athletes are often among the medal winners at international competitions is undoubtedly due in part to the ideal training conditions. Oberhof, Germany, is a great example. Not just at the legendary "Rennsteig", but also at the nearby ski sport hall. This facility offers ideal conditions all year round to both top-class and recreational athletes: At a constant temperature of -4°C and humidity of around 80%, the athletes are able to train and shoot on the approx. 1.7 km long cross-country course.

Quick and cost-effective installation

The pipeline sections for conveying the cold brine, however, are significantly longer. Viega’s stainless steel piping sytsmes Sanpress with gunmetal connectors and Sanpress Inox with stainless steel connectors were used here for a number of reasons.

A budget of around 14 million euros was available for the project with a scheduled construction time of 14 months, including planning. The entire pipework of the recirculation coolers and the ventilation devices on the hall roof even had to be completed within just eight weeks. With the Sanpress press connection technology instead of conventional welding, installation of the 5.5 km long pipeline network was both considerably quicker and more cost-effective to implement.

Viega’s special service

A very special service provided by Viega was also fundamental in this cost- and time-saving construction project: The production of individual Sanpress connectors as pipe elbows with radii of 6°, 12° and 22° and, depending on requirements, from DN 15 to DN 100. This allowed the cooling and supply lines below the hall roof to be adapted to the gentle curves of the cross-country trail. These pipes transport brine into every corner of the building measuring 400 m x 150 m. The temperature of the brine is as low as -30°C for the snowfall from above and -10°C for cooling the snow cover from below.

Even if the temperature in summer reaches 28°C or there are snowstorms in winter: The indoor skiing facility in Oberhof ensures perfect training conditions. 

Object Indoor skiing facility
Location Oberhof, Germany
Year 2009
Object Type New building
Size 10000 m2
Area of use Sport and leisure
Planning Goldbeck Ost GmbH, Klipphausen
Installation Goldbeck Ost GmbH, Klipphausen