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Institute of Divine Providence Mother Michel

Hygienic drinking water installation

The Institute of Divine Providence Mother Michel in Alessandria, Italy, offers nursing home assistance to the elderly and disabled. It was founded in 1900 and is presenet at its current location since the twenties of the last century. In 2014, the institute was subjected to an extensive renovation for the adjustment of the technical installations designed by SA PRO.TECNO of Perugia.

The company chose Viega’s Sanpress Inox system for the construction of the main risers and main lines on the floors inside the drinking water installation. The connecting pipes were implemented using the Raxofix piping system. To avoid stagnation in the lines which would encourage microbial contamination of the water, WCs were positioned at the end of series installations that were realised with Raxofix double-wall panels. As such, with each flush, the entire water volume in the piping section is completely exchanged.

Furthermore, Viega’s Easytop free flow valves were installed to provide for a proper sectioning of the system. In addition, they allow the professional sampling of drinking water in combination with Easytop sample extraction valves.

Object Institute of Divine Providence Mother Michel
Location Alessandria, Italy
Year 2014
Object Type Renovation
Area of use Health
Planning S.A. PRO.TECNO Perugia