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JEA Northside Generating Station

The JEA Northside Generating Station (NGS), located in Jacksonville, Florida, USA, separated its originally unified water system and installed an independent drinking water system.

Cost-efficient drinking water installation at JEA Northside Generating Station

The Northside Generating Station (NGS) of the Jacksonville Electric Authority (JEA), located in Jacksonville, Florida, is the seventh largest public power utility in the US. At the time of construction in 2001 it had the largest Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler (CFB) fueled by Pet-Coke .

As part of a capital improvement project, JEA separated its originally unified water system and installed an independent drinking water system while retaining the previously shared system for service water. JEA decided to use the Viega’s Sanpress Inox system (US standard) with 316 stainless steel pipe on the installation.

Sanpress Inox saves time and costs

Ron Beverly, CFB Operations Specialist at JEA, said the ideal solution for the project was Viega’s press technology, which replaced the need for hundreds of welds. During their research, JEA discovered that by using Sanpress Inox on the entire drinking water installation, they could take advantage of internal staff to construct this project rather than a general contractor.

The new drinking water system included more than 6,000 feet of 316 stainless steel pipe in mostly elevated locations and JEA’s internal staff installed over 500 fittings. The system required connections to nine new pressure-reducing stations and more than 50 tie-ins, as well as about 25 of the new three-piece ball valves, throughout the 2" turbine building water header.

“The Sanpress Inox system makes it really easy for our internal staff to work with because of the consistency of the connections. It’s a consistent, repeatable product,” said Beverly. “After the pipe brackets were put in place, installing and joining the pipe was very quick with Viega’s stainless steel system.”

The drinking water installation would not have been possible to complete within the project budget or desired timeline using the traditional pipe joining methods originally specified in the plans. 

Object JEA Northside Generating Station
Location Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Year 2012
Object Type Renovation
Area of use Commercial
Installation Jacksonville Electric Authority