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Labels Berlin 2

A fantastic, internationally acclaimed concrete structure makes the building "Labels Berlin 2" stand out. The façcade is particularly striking.

Cool fashion hotspot with temperature-controlled component activation

Berlin is one of the world's fashion hotspots. One of the best addresses in the German capital is the east harbour on the Spree in the district of Friedrichshain. The hippest brands invite their business partners here to present and celebrate their latest collections. The locations go by the name of "Labels Berlin 1", a listed storage hall and "Labels Berlin 2", an impressive new building.

When in "Labels Berlin 2" the spotlights are focused on the latest fashion creations and hundreds of experts take a close look at the latest trends, the maintenance of an even room temperature in both summer and winter presents a real challenge to the building technology. After all, the showrooms are used in a variety of ways and essentially for events.

Component activation plus radiant heating and cooling

Large-format full-surface tempering of the concrete ceilings with Fonterra Active in combination with Fonterra Base floor tempering ensures a wonderful room climate whatever the rooms are used for and at any time of year. This system reliably absorbs peak heating and cooling loads.

The experts laid more than 50 tempering circuits over an area of 4,750 m² in the storey ceilings in the form of near-surface component activation. In addition, a further 70 floor heating and cooling circuits were used on a surface area of 6,000 m².

The base load of the concrete core activation and the radiant heating and cooling system is covered by a water/water-heat pump with an output of 390 kW operated by the River Spree. Cooling loads in excess of this are absorbed by an additional 650 kW chilled water unit. Conversely, in the colder winter months, the large-format heat distribution systems Fonterra Active and Fonterra Base guarantee a wonderfully cosy ambience: The heat which rises from the floor and falls from the ceiling ensure a horizontally and vertically uniform temperature level, virtually without thermally induced air movements. 

Object Labels Berlin 2
Location Berlin, Germany
Year 2009
Object Type New building
Size 6000 m2
Area of use Commercial
Architect HHF Architekten GmbH, Basel
Planning PPW Planungsgemeinschaft Paulisch & Partner, Berlin ; Gneise Planungs- und Beratungsgesellschaft mbH, Berlin
Installation Koster Haustechnik GmbH, Berlin