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Lufthansa Welcome Lounge

Perfect for business travellers after long-haul flights: The Lufthansa Welcome Lounge at the airport in Frankfurt a.M. Germany, was the first of 65 international lounges to be upgraded to include shower baths.

Lufthansa is committed to comfort and safety – this also goes for the showers in the lounge   

New York, Rio, Tokyo – when Lufthansa's passengers arrive at the airport in Frankfurt a.M., Germany, they have a pleasant flight behind them. After all, excellent service is a top priority for Lufthansa. This is both true in the air and on the ground. The Lufthansa Welcome Lounge offers passengers the chance to truly relax. The services offered include 28 premium shower baths. They allow travellers to freshen up without having to go to a hotel. It goes without saying that only high-quality materials were used for this premium service – both for the invisible installation behind the wall and the visible designer elements.

Completed in 18 days

With the extremely tight schedule, just 18 days were available to install the facilities. Yet quick completion was not the only stipulation. Comfort and the safety of the drinking water installation as well as the preservation of drinking water hygiene were also key quality criteria. The Viega system range from pipes to pre-wall technology formed the basis for a successful realisation, not least due to the rapid availability of all products.

Refreshingly different

About 2,400 m stainless steel pipes of Viega’s Sanpress Inox system with 3,500 connectors now supply the 28 washbasins, WCs and showers with clean drinking water. To achieve a spacious feel, the Viega Eco Plus pre-wall elements of the washbasins and WCs have a height of just 840 mm. The WC is flushed via a flush plate set on the pre-wall from above. Here, too, the focus was on the design. The architects and client chose the puristic flush plate Visign for Style 11 with its clear-cut functionality. In addition to the pleasant haptics, the unambiguity of operation is an equally important feature given the internationality of Lufthansa's passengers. 

Object Lufthansa Welcome Lounge
Location Frankfurt a.M. , Germany
Year 2009
Object Type New building
Area of use Transport
Architect Hollin+Radoske Architects, Frankfurt a.M.
Planning Ingenieurgesellschaft Pfeiffenberger mbH, Neu-Isenburg
Installation Dornhöfer GmbH, Mainz-Kostheim