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Old tram depot

De Hallen Amsterdam: The old tram depot in West Amsterdam, the Netherlands, was built in the early 20th century and renovated in 2014.

Reliability and flexibility thanks to Viega system technology

The old tram depot "De Hallen" in West Amsterdam, the Netherlands, dates from the early 20th century and has undergone renovation in 2014. It now provides a library, exhibition space, a hotel, cinemas, studios, catering outlets and an artisans’ hall. Viega has supplied a wide range of installation technology which has been installed by contractors Lenting Project Loodgieters BV.

Drinking water quality

In hotels the drinking water quality is essential at all times, and the drinking water system can make a contribution to this. For example, by the way in which the system is designed and implemented. Erik Rijpkema of Lenting Project Loodgieters BV says “In terms of drinking water quality the decision was taken for the hotel to install a through-flow drinking water system wherever possible. And Viega’s through-flow wall panel is ideal for the job.”

Pre-wall installation

The pre-wall installation in the hotel has been realised using the Viega Eco Plus system. Erik Rijpkema: “Eco Plus is ideal for this kind of project. It has high quality and is affordable." In addition it offers various design options in combination with Visign flush plates from Viega – in this case the choice fell on Visign for Style 14.

Flexibility for the catering hall

The catering hall accommodates small stalls which are leased out to catering contractors. “The stallholders are offered a complete concept including their own drinking water connection. To guarantee the quality of the drinking water, the connections will be isolated whenever the stall has not been used for a while. That is very easy to do with the installation system we implemented and for which Viega’s Profipress and Pexfit piping systems were used”, says Erik Rijpkema. “For us the reliability of the tried and tested SC-Contur safety feature is of huge value. In all the years I have been working with Viega I have never had trouble with a leaking installation. And that means a lot to me and to our clients.” 

Object Old tram depot
Location Amsterdam, Netherlands
Year 2014
Object Type Renovation
Area of use Hotels
Installation Lenting Project Loodgieters BV