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Residential complex "BelVista"

Frankfurt's skyline in the background, the development of the "Europagarten" in the foreground: The residential development "BelVista" is set against this exclusive backdrop.

Premium living standards with the Viega system world

Great accessibility to public transport as well as long-distance travel via car and plane. Close the green oasis of the "Europagarten" and with a vast selection of cultural and culinary offerings – this is how the residential complex "BelVista" in the heart of Frankfurt, Germany, with its 122 generous rental flats, 97 exclusive owner-occupied flats, four commercial units and nursery sells itself.

The challenges associated with building services were many and varied with this exclusive project: Increased sound protection as per DIN 4109, convenient hot water supply as per VDI 6003, energy efficient room heating, as much marketable living and usable space as possible (meaning less room for installations) – and all that with a construction time of less than two years.

Consistent interface optimisation

To manage this project successfully, the specialist planners and trades people decided to use only products from the Viega system world as this prevented any "interface issues" from the word go. For example, to distribute the heating water the pipe system Prestabo made of galvanised steel was used. Sanpress Inox (stainless steel 1.4521) was used in the highly branched drinking water network measuring around 8,500 m in length. The plastic piping system Raxofix was laid on all floors in the rental flats both for the drinking water and heating installations. This resulted in planning and time advantages thanks to the use of pressure loss-optimised connectors and the laying of pre-insulated pipes from the roll.

The owner-occupied flats are also fitted with the flexible surface tempering system Fonterra Tacker.

The planning office used the software Viptool Engineering as a kind of platform for the Viega system world. The experience gathered by the planning committee shows that "the overall concept comprising a planning program and products drastically reduces interface problems and additionally supports the space-saving planning of routes and shafts". 

Object Residential complex "BelVista"
Location Frankfurt, Germany
Year 2014
Object Type New building
Size 27700 m2
Area of use Residential
Architect happarchitecture. JJH Architektengesellschaft mbH, Frankfurt a.M.
Planning PGT GmbH & Co. KG, Schaafheim
Installation Apikal Lüftungs- und Haustechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Gröditz