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RheinEnergie Stadium

Stainless steel system for Cologne football arena

"There is no construction that requires more care in its execution than that which must withstand water. Therefore scrupulous diligence in all details is needed for such a construction – wholly in the spirit of those rules that everyone knows, but only a few respect." This admonitory reminder of the accepted rules of engineering dates back to the first century of the Common Era, and was made by the hydraulic engineer Senator Sextus Julius Frontinus. He is credited as being responsible for the construction of the 100 kilometre long water supply duct that provided ancient Colonia with cool and mineral-rich drinking water from the Eifel mountains – just what the Romans liked.

Modern Cologne, Germany, was one of the twelve venues where football matches were played during the 2006 World Cup. As the old Müngersdorf Stadium no longer came up to FIFA requirements, the city had a completely new stadium erected on the same site: The RheinEnergie Stadium.

Drinking water installations of stainless steel

It goes without saying that the drinking water supply also had to satisfy the latest regulations with state-of-the-art technology. To achieve the combination of highest standards of hygiene and elegant looks with the most modern plumbing technology, the planners selected the Sanpress Inox stainless steel system.

One aspect especially ensures that chemical and bacteriological contamination as well as corrosion can be kept at bay successfully: The whole system of pipes, fittings and connectors is based on one material, namely stainless steel. The pipe material is dual-stabilised by means of titanium and niobium. The PRE value for corrosion resistance is > 24, significantly better than the standard limit value of 22.9. These two factors together increase the durability of Sanpress Inox, improving the operational safety of the whole system.

Altogether 8,000 metres of stainless steel piping in the sizes DN 12 to DN 100 were installed.

So the spectators who use the more than 46,000 covered seats can rely on a sustainably hygienic supply of excellent drinking water. Sextus Julius Frontinus would be proud of those who came after him ... 

Object RheinEnergie Stadium
Location Cologne, Germany
Year 2004
Object Type New building
Size 111000 m2
Area of use Sport and leisure
Architect gmp Generalplanungsgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg
Installation Heinrich Krumme GmbH, Brunsbüttel