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Single family house

Fonterra Base Roll 15 helped to reduce the installation time significantly. The insulation is as rapid to roll out as tacker panels and the pipe coils are laid as quickly as on studded panels.

Laying floor heating with roll-out system panels

Private clients and, in particular, young families calculate the budgets for their new homes very tightly, this is true for both construction and operating costs. Using the example of surface heating, a smart detached house in Taufkirchen, Austria, shows how clients can save money and how expert technicians can still make a profit.

Saving energy costs

In terms of operating costs, expenditure for heating energy is key. Ambient heat is the magic word for cutting costs in the long term. However, the low supply temperatures from a heat pump demand large radiant surfaces, i.e., radiant heating. This was exactly the case in the new detached house in Taufkirchen.

Saving installation costs

As is usual, the technicians involved in this construction project faced pricing competition. This always poses a dilemma: When prices are calculated too tightly this is at the expense of profitable jobs. Yet compromises in terms of product quality normally turn out to be more expensive in the long term when complaints have to be remedied. When installing floor heating, the Fonterra Base Roll 15 system presents a new alternative, as shown by this Austrian home.

The very best of two systems

In the 200 m² house, the technicians actually preferred tacker panels since a lot of material had to be cut to size. This takes a long time with studded panels. On the other hand, the laying of heating circuits on studded panels is far quicker. Moreover, with this system the installer can work on his own without assistance. When laying pipes on tacker panels, two people are always required.

Fonterra Base Roll 15 brings together the advantages of both systems: Special clips are arranged on a roll-out carrier panel. These ensure that the pipes are fixed securely in place. The system panels and the heating circuit can be easily laid by a single technician without losing any time.

Conclusion: Simplified laying means that installation costs are saved. Nevertheless, first-rate product quality is ensured. And the specialist technicians are still able to make a profit.

Object Single family house
Location Taufkirchen an der Pram, Austria
Year 2014
Object Type New building
Size 200 m2
Area of use Residential
Architect Ing. Karl Stern BaugesmbH & Co KG, Münzkirchen
Planning Lachtner Haustechnik, St. Marienkirchen
Installation Lachtner Haustechnik, St. Marienkirchen