Viega supports university teams at “Solar Decathlon”
Every other year, the U.S. Department of Energy holds the Solar Decathlon, which challenges university teams to “build and operate solar-powered houses that are affordable, energy efficient and attractive.” The goal is to produce a cost-effective home that is both appealing and efficient.
For the 2011 Solar Decathlon in Columbus, Ohio, Viega sponsored two teams, Team New Jersey and Team enCORE of Ohio State University. Ellen Gentry, who was a student at Ohio State University, was one of the project managers for Team enCORE. “A lot of really innovative technologies aren’t totally viable for the general public,” Gentry said, “but they get to come see what we think the future of solar energy looks like. I think that’s really important.”
The house of team enCORE
Team enCORE’s house, appropriately named enCORE, positioned a core of plumbing, mechanical and electrical systems at the center of the structure and built the house around the core. EnCORE was 970 square feet and incorporated low-flow faucets, dual-flow toilets and a rainwater collection pond.
Viega products installed in the drinking water installation of enCORE included a 14-port 3⁄8" Viega ManaBloc with Viega PEX Crimp fittings in PolyAlloy and around 600 feet of ViegaPEX Ultra tubing.
“Part of the competition is that the house is designed to be net zero over the course of a year,” Gentry said. “Theoretically we would produce as much energy as we use.”
Of 19 teams participating, Ohio State’s Team enCORE finished in fifth place. The enCORE house earned top scores in two contests: efficiently maintaining a comfortable temperature and efficiently producing hot water.