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Symposium 2018/2019

The development of technical building services is particlarly determined by two dynamic topics. On the one hand, there are the necessary measures to maintain the drinking water quality, especially in complex drinking water systems supplying water to the public. On the other hand, there plenty of possibilities of using regenerative energies as efficiently as possible in order to achieve the energy turnaround.

However, it's not enough to look at the two topics in isolation. If you look closer, the processes running in the background are closely linked with each other. The future challenge will be to clearly define these processes and thereby to ensure that the goals "maintaining drinking water quality" and "energy efficiency" are fully met.

The necessary tools for this are already available thanks to digitalisation, which now permeates all areas of building technology. The challenge now is to put this networking into practice - in a future-proof manner and with a measurable benefit for investors and operators throughout the entire life cycle of the building.

What challenges do you have to overcome on this path? What framework for action is available to you? How much potential for your daily work results if you interweave the topics "maintaining drinking water quality" and "energy efficiency" digitally as early as possible? 

The Viega Symposium 2018/19 answered these questions.

Impressions of the kick-off event in Salzburg